London, Stratford, 2022-12-24

I’m always fascinated by nature in cities, especially those that have complex built environments deeply entwined with technology.

Even amid all the doom and gloom concerning the state of our planet in the Anthropocene, which is undeniable, it is somewhat comforting to see how nature—how life—reproduces itself in the most improbable of places. Against all odds.

Wherever humans lessen their assault and control, you can find a life form multiplying. It usually happens in the most unexpected of places, but not necessarily out of sight. It is quite often the opposite. The traces of life’s resilience are in plain sight, we just don’t see them, or we don’t understand them. We treat them as nuisances.

I stumbled upon this photograph completely by chance. I was waiting for someone on the footbridge that connects Meridian Square to the Westfield shopping centre when I noticed the plant. Then I realized it was framed by the steel structure and had a great background.

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